Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"To reach people that no one is reaching you have to do things that no one is doing.”

 Hello Everyone!
The past two weeks have been lots of fun and full of some really cool experiences and teachings. This month of the program is devoted to the Biblical perspective of missions work and has taken us on a journey throughout all the times in the Bible where the Lord has commanded His people to "Go!" out of their comfort zones to shine His light. How awesome it is to have a God who is the Missionary God!

During this time we've had more interns come into the program, and seven leave to start their required missions practicum. For three, that meant staying here as senders(Sean, Sarah, and Jay), two were sent to the field right away(Patrina and Alex) and have safely arrived in the Phillipines, and two are here at the ranch preparing to go to El Salvador(Andy and Riley). Please keep them all in your prayers as they seek to serve and fulfill the Lord's call on their lives. Every October 31st, there's nothing more fun than the Calvary Chapel Whitefish Harvest Festival! The interns were asked to serve by dressing up like farmers and manning all of the games- giving candy liberally to all the participants.
 Angelina and I had the pleasure of running the cake walk, and, let me tell you, there's nothing more hilarious than watching a child's face light up as you hand them an entire homemade cake as a prize. The event ended with a Gospel presentation, a hayride, and plenty of hot chocolate for everyone. I wonder if any of those sugar-loaded kids got any sleep that night!
 This week my past experience in El Salvador came in handy when Michelle Cunningham, one of our ranch chefs (the most wonderful chef in the world), gave us the opportunity to teach her how to make the famous El Salvadoran "pupusas". Ms. Michelle has cooked so many delicious meals over the past months, how could we refuse? With my lovely assistant, Angelina, I tried my hand at making them. The results were eight lovely pupusas (well... the "gringo" version). To be honest, I wasn't sure that they'd turn out right, but by the grace of God, they were delicious and so much fun. 
 Note: Michelle wouldn't let us take her picture, but this is her with a paper plate face.
Last weekend Creationfest came to Montana and we were so grateful to Pastor David Halan of CC Whitefish for providing all the interns with tickets. Creationfest is the nation's largest Christian music festival, and it included rock bands from FM Statik to Audio Unplugged to Jars of Clay. During their performance, the band leaders from Audio Unplugged (formerly Audio Adrenline) taught the Gospel message, and there were hundreds who raised their hands to accept Jesus into their lives! There was also a huge emphasis on missions work all around the world. Praise God for all the people who are so dedicated to the task of reaching our nation's youth through music!
 We can hardly believe that we only have five more weeks left as
interns here at Pottersfield Ranch. At this halfway point we're
praying that God would continue to grow and teach us what it means to
live like Jesus lived, always evaluating life in the light of

 We hope that you're all blessed and are making plans to spend the
upcoming holidays with your families. Thank you again so much for
your prayer, its truly invaluable and means so much to us. Please
know that we would love for you to email us with any prayer requests
that you have.

Love you all and God bless!
Brennan and Angelina