Saturday, April 24, 2010

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Hi everyone,

We hope that you're all doing well! It's been so much fun for us these last few weeks getting settled in here in Mexico. We're learning a lot from James and Charmaine who are the other missionaries here at CTC. We've been learning about the different ministries held on our facility, like the after school program(Brennan even got the opportunity recently to teach one of the classes!) and bible studies. During the week, Brennan has been working with James in the maintenance department learning all kinds of things about plumbing, mechanics, carpentry, etc., and Angelina has been working with Charmaine learning the administration side of the base, as well as cooking for the after school program and when teams come(we had our first from Spring Valley a few weeks ago and have another from Las Vegas with us now! ). The four of us are really seeking the Lord about what He has next for ministry here and we're so excited. Stay tuned for more changes =).

In case you haven't had the chance to come see CTC yet, here are a few pictures:

Praise God that our after school program has grown so large that we had to move a couple of our classes into bigger classrooms! They were so happy to have more space, and to be located way up on the third story of our dormitory building. The kids and the teachers love their new classrooms; here are some pictures from our after school program.


We have to let you guys know that James and Charmaine (our fellow missionaries here at CTC) are such awesome people and have been so kind to us! God has really blessed us with such awesome brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope that you'll all come and meet them and stay with us sometime soon.

Last weekend, we got the opportunity to participate in an outreach with the church we have been attending- Calvary Chapel Rosarito. We all got together to paint the outer walls of one of the local schools that was heavily tagged with graffiti. There were a lot of children and even some teams from the US that helped, and in the end, it looked completely different! One car drove by and said, “Cristo Vive!”, and another one said, “The kids will hardly recognize it!” It was a blessing getting to meet new people and together make a difference in that community.

Mexico really feels like home to us! We're so grateful to God for  the blessing it is to be here. So far, our favorite days are Wednesdays when we get to attend the Bible study held on the facility and get to know our neighbors. A lot of the adjustments we've enjoyed so much, like hang drying our clothes, cooking by candlelight(when the power goes out :D only happened once so far), and eating delicious tacos(don't you want to come visit =) ?) We're excited to soon have a new family member here with us also, last month we found out that Angelina is pregnant(a little more than 10 weeks)! She doesn't want to put pictures of her tummy up, but we'll see! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers. Our biggest prayer requests this month would be for some of our children struggling in our after school program with reading and writing, and also for the possibility of beginning a church here, as there is a real need in the community. Please come and stay with us in La Gloria! We would love to introduce you to various ministry opportunities taking place here in Mexico, and we promise that you'll be blessed. We love you and look forward to talking to you all soon!

Love and God bless,
Brennan and Angelina

(This is Angelina cooking by candle light after the power went out... it was fun... we sat around and read The Prince and the Pauper by candlelight. Angelina thinks I'm a nerd for telling you that :) oh well..)