Saturday, November 19, 2011

"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ..." Philippians 1:6

Hello Everyone!

We hope that you're all doing well, and having fun as you get ready to celebrate these upcoming holidays. There has been so much going on here, and we can hardly believe our little boy is about to turn one this week!
We'd really like to begin to use this blog to present to you individual lives that we get the pleasure of ministering to and with here in Mexico. Having said that, we would like you all to meet some friends of ours:

These are the residents of the City of Angels Home for children. While some of these boys and girls are orphans, most of them come from families that are unable to support them financially. This ministry provides them with food, uniforms, schooling, a warm bed, and a biblical upbringing. All of the children attend church weekly and also have a devotional or prayer meeting every night.
Every Tuesday night we are privileged to be able to lead a Bible study for all of the 40+ City of Angels kids. We sing and dance and praise the Lord together, and then we relax and study the Bible verse by verse.

Last week, we talked about when the Lord appeared to Abraham in a vision in Genesis 15, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward." We discovered that we don't have to be afraid because the Lord is our protection and our prize in life.

We also talked about how Abraham "believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." We discovered that faith in Jesus Christ is the only thing that can wash us and make us white as snow.

Through this study, we have formed some really precious relationships not only with the children, but also with the staff as well. Imagine taking responsibility for over forty kids ages two to twelve 24 hours a day! 
Please be in prayer over these wonderful kids; pray for their health physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray for the workers and directors of this ministry. Pray that the Lord would give us wisdom as we try to share the Word of God with them.

Also, please come and meet these children. I guarantee that you won't regret it.You will form connections with them that could last their lifetime.We would love to introduce you.

By the way,  we found out a little while ago that Angelina is pregnant again! Woo hoo!  We are so excited. We're hoping that it's a girl so we can have the complete set =),but we definitely don't mind if it's a boy.

Here are some updates on more things that are going on, please keep them in your prayers with us:

  • The CTC Wednesday Night Bible Study has moved into the local community with prayerful hopes of becoming Calvary Chapel La Gloria. 
  • The Niños del Rey program is growing! Capilla Calvario Sante Fe has begun their own Niños del Rey program three days a week to reach out to nearby kids with a Bible study, meal, and help with their homework.
  • The Calvary Training Center now has a Facebook page. Please "Like" us in order to receive latest pictures and updates.

We hope to see you all soon! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! 

Love and God bless you, 

The Davis Family 
Brennan, Angelina, and Jadon 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hi friends and family,

Some artwork done by the kids at the El Campo Summer Camp
We hope that you had a great end to your summer! If the weather where you live is anything like Mexico, it sure still feels like summer. A lot has happened here this last month that we'd love to update you on.
We're so glad, hot or not, that school is back in and the Ninos del Rey after school program kids are back running around the property! We missed them so much. Thank you for your continued prayers for this program, for God's will to be done in it and that all the children would come to know Him. 

The original church building in Granjas.
One of the most exciting things that has happened this last month, was that new church building for Capilla Calvario Antiochia in Granjas is now completed! Charmaine made a video of the whole building process, please take some time to watch it! Its been such a blessing to see the Lord bless this congregation and its Pastor Gonzalo. You can check out the amazing transformation here: God is so incredible!

Some of the girls at the CIRAD Rehabilitation Center with Angelina

He is also so powerful. Its been amazing to see the power of His word. Thank you for your prayers for the Cirad rehab center studies and the study at the boys' home, we really feel like the Lord is moving in the lives of the youth in both of these places. So far, we have not begun another study with the girls at the Cirad, but please keep them and this possibility in your prayers as many of them are seeking and hungry to truly know God. 

We've been blessed to begin another Bible study through our church here in Mexico, Capilla Calvario Sante Fe, at a local Brother's home. The first night the study took place we rejoice that a young lady who was actually helping with the praise and worship gave her life to God. Talk about a divine appointment :D and we all now have a new Sister in Christ! God is so good.

Thank you for praying with us for wisdom in how to serve at the Hospice here in Tijuana. So far, on Monday mornings Brennan has been helping with the volunteers there- changing patients' diapers, feeding them, and learning about their different health problems. It has been an experience like no other we've had yet here in Mexico. Its a blessing to come alongside the workers and see the way the Holy Spirit works through them in love and service. To be honest, this kind of service is very stretching for us. It's difficult to see the pain and sickness that these people live with everyday, with little hope of more medical treatment or recovery. We know that there is hope for them in God, and we feel like we can see more deeply into God's heart the way that He loves each person there so much, and has sent the workers there to care for them so affectionately in His love. The key to serving there, one of the workers explained to us, is to remember that each of the patients is Jesus. Remember, “‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ “
 Thursday mornings a local community center invites elderly people to get together and talk.. A few times we've been privileged stop by and share about the Lord. Many of them are in need of serious work done on there houses, especially their roofs, before the rainy season, and need medical care as well. Our hearts break for their needs and we wish we could take care of all of them as our own grandparents. We can pray for them though, as we do know the One that can and does take care of them. They have asked us if possible, to get blankets together for them before the weather starts to get really cold. If you have any blankets that you'd like to donate, please let us know! 

One of Jadon's favorite things to do now that he can crawl is put baby wipes in convenient locations around his room!
Other than that, our baby boy Jadon is almost 10 months old and is officially on the move! He began crawling last week and now loves to get into EVERYTHING! We're having so much fun chasing him around :D and learning how to child-proof! We also got to take him to get his very first haircut this month which was so much fun.
We hope that you will come and visit and see him soon! And us of course!
Thank you for reading our updates and praying with us =) your prayers are invaluable to the ministries here. Please let us know if we can be praying anything specific with you this month.
Before his haircut
And after =)

Love and God bless you,
Brennan, Angelina and Jadon

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Unless the LORD builds the house,They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain." - Psalm 127:1

Jadon could hardly believe his eyes at La Bufadora!

Hi friends and family,
We hope that you're all doing well! It's been a wonderful  few weeks here. In July we had four back to back teams, and they were such a blessing, and kept us very busy(also a blessing =D)! It was fun to get to minister along side them as they put on some really special outreaches for the people here. Take a look at a few pictures below from the teams: 
A ladies team set up an event for the women of Calvary Chapel Granjas at the site of their new church building!
At the ladies tea
Grano de Mostaza Train
Our friend Fonsie came to visit with one of the teams! Jadon loves him.
A group of junior highers with the kids at City of Angels
Our neighbor Conrie taught Charmaine and Angelina how to make Tamales
And then they got to serve them to a team of senior highers!
As things have now slowed down a bit, we have been praying specifically for God to guide us where He would have us seek to reach out more, and we feel like He pointed us to two verses and opened a few new doors. The verses we felt led to are:

James 1:27:Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
Matthew 25: 31-40:“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ “

One of the doors He has opened is with a hospice here in Tijuana. Will you please pray with us about how He may have us serve there? This hospice serves people on their death bed who have no family or anyone to look after them. Many of them are found lying on the street corner. Along with being fed, bathed, and monitored 24 hours a day, the hospice staff and local ministries make sure to communicate the Gospel to them in any way that they can. The need is great, and many of the patients will surely pass away soon unless funds are provided for surgeries, dialysis, or whatever the need may be. Please continue in prayer for the patients as well as the leadership and staff members.

Yumm, Jadon soup!

Another door has also been opened to us at a local home for boys to do a Bible study with them once a week. There are seven boys ages 13-17 and the head of the home is a fellow Christian brother. Our heart is to come alongside and help him in any way, as his family takes full responsibility for all the boys in the home. The Bible study we've been blessed to begin starts this Friday, our hope is that we might eventually be able to bring dinner each Friday as well. Thank you so much for praying both for the hospice and home for boys.

Annelle, a popular novela star, sharing her testimony with the girls at the CIRAD last month
Jadon hanging out with some of the girls from the CIRAD.
We've mentioned before that its been amazing to see the power of God's word at the CIRAD rehabilitation center studies, especially in the lives of the young girls. We'd really like to go deeper with them in discipleship and are praying about the right opportunity. Currently, the head of the center has given us the ok for Angelina to spend time with the girls after the study, to sit in with them in their AA meeting, and spend some time with them after the meeting as well every week. We're just praying through what this time should look like, perhaps another Bible study? Please pray with us for wisdom in how to proceed. 

We are also prayerfully proceeding with beginning a new English for adults. We've been noticing that some parents like to sit in the youth class and are hoping would enjoy a class as well. Please pray with us as we get the ball rolling August 20th for the new class. We feel that our youth class has been helpful in building relationships with some people that normally may have been difficult to reach and our prayer is that in the relationships that we're able to make through these classes that the love of Jesus would shine through and that if they don't already have a relationship with Christ that they would come to know Him.
A Ninos del Rey potato sack race earlier this year

Our last but not least prayer request is for the CTC after school program, Ninos del Rey, which is already beginning again in two weeks!! Please lift up with us both the children and the teachers of this program. We are so excited to once again have them all running around the property three times a week, we miss them!

Jadon with his new friend Justo
                                                                   Thank you so much for lifting up these prayer requests with us!
We know that the Lord is so faithful to hear and answer prayer(whether it be a yes, a no, or wait). Lately we've been seeing so many answered prayers, we barely know what to do with ourselves other than look up in awe. Over these last few weeks, we've seen God miraculously provide our family with a personal vehicle, a new refrigerator (and the hands to bring it up our flight of stairs) and a new friend for Jadon(who has a mom who speaks English, one of Angelina's secret prayer requests). We are so blown away by God's grace and love. Who are we that he should be mindful of us? We are so blessed to serve Him. And in His goodness, we get to serve Him alongside brothers and sisters(such an amazing gift). Please email us and let us know what we can be praying with you =) we hope to talk to you soon! 
Typical boys rough-housing around

With Love and God bless,
Brennan, Angelina and Jadon

Monday, July 4, 2011

“For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” -Colossians 2:9-10

Hi Friends and Happy Independence day to all of our fellow Americans! Hope that you are all doing well, and maybe even enjoying a bbq and some watermelon today(Jadon tried watermelon last month and is a big fan) =)! That's our plan later this evening!

Since we last wrote we were blessed with a short family visit and a long furlough and are now back in Mexico. Its good to be home!

With some of our family in Rosarito
It's really been an interesting month for us! Our home church saw fit to bring us back to Las Vegas for a furlough after we'd been sick for a few weeks. To be honest, we were a little bummed at first because
we had just begun feeling better. We finally wanted to “hit the grindstone” again, but, by God's grace, He had something else in mind. As we all know, His plan is much better than our own.

On our way to Las Vegas, our plan was to make the most of the down time and to seek the Lord as much as possible. When we got there, there were no bolts of lightning or anything! It was like we were trying to fit a circle into a square or something ... just trying to force some sort of change in our own lives, in our timing, right then, during our furlough, you know, when it was convenient, please Lord!

We got to be in Las Vegas just in time to say goodbye to a dear  friend who was about to move, we love you Marleen! Thanks to God for His perfect timing.     
And our caring God gently brought us to that place where we realized yet again, nothing is possible in our own strength, but with God all things are possible. He keeps reminding us to give Him back the steering wheel and to allow Him to lead.  And He gave us peace in our hearts with that, being content just in being His children(the most amazing gift). It's no secret that God is the best Dad ever and knows how to give good gifts to His children. The furlough was such a gracious gift in itself; however, the Lord had even more blessings in mind.

During that time, we had one of those cool God moments where we both independently found ourselves in the book of Philippians(and then later discovered “Hey! You're reading that right now too??”) We were so blessed, we really felt God reaching out to us and encouraging us. Especially with Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”. I hope that for you that verse is very encouraging as well, God is not finished with any of us yet. We are so grateful for His grace and love, and, for the gift it is to serve Him.

Jadon and his PPaw
In 1 Timothy: 12-17, Paul writes, “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise,be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” Amen! =)

Anyway, that's it for my ramble about our furlough, God is amazing.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hola amigos,
Les extrañamos muchos! It feels like its been such a long time since we've written. We hope that you've been doing well and are maybe enjoying a long Memorial day weekend =).
Us at the doctor earlier this month, they asked us to wear masks!
Things are going well here in Mexico! Our little family has been sick these last few weeks and we are so grateful to finally be getting better, thank you so much for your prayers!
The last time we wrote we told you that CTC was planning two outreaches at the El Campo soccer field-- and they went so well, Praise God, we felt your prayers and feel like we really saw God's love for the people here.
Take a look at some pictures from one of the events put on by a team from CC Redbluff during Holy Week:

Jadon made a friend at the outreach

While CC Redbluff was here, they also spent some time with the kids at City Of Angels. Below are some pictures of there time, and of an awesome Easter craft they did with them. We love these kids so much! The Bible studies with them continue to go well, thank you for praying!

Thank you also for praying for the first Evangelistic English classes. We were able to begin them! They are taking place in the recreation room at the El Campo soccer field. We thank God because we know He is the one who is opening the doors there. We have had about four classes since then and there are currently about 10 students attending. Please keep this ministry in your prayers, that God would lead and be glorified through it! Here are a few pictures from the last class:

New in the CIRAD rehabilitation center Bible studies: We had been praying about the possibility of having someone come alongside with us to help with praise and worship; and we are so blessed that God has answered this prayer,our friend Uriel and his little brother felt called to help out and are now leading worship for the two studies. It was incredible to see it work out in God's timing, because the first week they began, Brennan had just about lost his voice! God's timing is always perfect.

Speaking of God's timing, He saw fit that last week was the perfect time for Jadon to get his very first tooth! He is loving to gnaw on just about everything with it, and has also recently begun eating real food! What a big boy! His favorite so far are bananas, and least favorite are carrots, but we are hopeful for a change in heart.

The first two weeks of June we are blessed that our family has been asked to take a furlough to our home in Las Vegas. We  always find so much refreshment there with our family and home church. It is our desire to make the most of this time and  to really sit at the Lord's feet. We hope that He would grow us closer to Him and refresh and refocus us as a family on His heart. Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.” We know that this time is such a gift!

We will also be praying specifically that God would bring more teams over the next few months to stay at CTC(as the facility runs on income made when teams stay and minister) and share the love of God with the people here, and also for fresh vision, especially for the community clean up ministry. Will you pray with us?
 Thank you so much for taking time to read our update and for all of your prayers. Please also email us any prayer requests that we can lift up with you.

With lots of Love,
Brennan, Angelina and Jadon