Monday, July 4, 2011

“For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” -Colossians 2:9-10

Hi Friends and Happy Independence day to all of our fellow Americans! Hope that you are all doing well, and maybe even enjoying a bbq and some watermelon today(Jadon tried watermelon last month and is a big fan) =)! That's our plan later this evening!

Since we last wrote we were blessed with a short family visit and a long furlough and are now back in Mexico. Its good to be home!

With some of our family in Rosarito
It's really been an interesting month for us! Our home church saw fit to bring us back to Las Vegas for a furlough after we'd been sick for a few weeks. To be honest, we were a little bummed at first because
we had just begun feeling better. We finally wanted to “hit the grindstone” again, but, by God's grace, He had something else in mind. As we all know, His plan is much better than our own.

On our way to Las Vegas, our plan was to make the most of the down time and to seek the Lord as much as possible. When we got there, there were no bolts of lightning or anything! It was like we were trying to fit a circle into a square or something ... just trying to force some sort of change in our own lives, in our timing, right then, during our furlough, you know, when it was convenient, please Lord!

We got to be in Las Vegas just in time to say goodbye to a dear  friend who was about to move, we love you Marleen! Thanks to God for His perfect timing.     
And our caring God gently brought us to that place where we realized yet again, nothing is possible in our own strength, but with God all things are possible. He keeps reminding us to give Him back the steering wheel and to allow Him to lead.  And He gave us peace in our hearts with that, being content just in being His children(the most amazing gift). It's no secret that God is the best Dad ever and knows how to give good gifts to His children. The furlough was such a gracious gift in itself; however, the Lord had even more blessings in mind.

During that time, we had one of those cool God moments where we both independently found ourselves in the book of Philippians(and then later discovered “Hey! You're reading that right now too??”) We were so blessed, we really felt God reaching out to us and encouraging us. Especially with Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”. I hope that for you that verse is very encouraging as well, God is not finished with any of us yet. We are so grateful for His grace and love, and, for the gift it is to serve Him.

Jadon and his PPaw
In 1 Timothy: 12-17, Paul writes, “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise,be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” Amen! =)

Anyway, that's it for my ramble about our furlough, God is amazing.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hola amigos,
Les extrañamos muchos! It feels like its been such a long time since we've written. We hope that you've been doing well and are maybe enjoying a long Memorial day weekend =).
Us at the doctor earlier this month, they asked us to wear masks!
Things are going well here in Mexico! Our little family has been sick these last few weeks and we are so grateful to finally be getting better, thank you so much for your prayers!
The last time we wrote we told you that CTC was planning two outreaches at the El Campo soccer field-- and they went so well, Praise God, we felt your prayers and feel like we really saw God's love for the people here.
Take a look at some pictures from one of the events put on by a team from CC Redbluff during Holy Week:

Jadon made a friend at the outreach

While CC Redbluff was here, they also spent some time with the kids at City Of Angels. Below are some pictures of there time, and of an awesome Easter craft they did with them. We love these kids so much! The Bible studies with them continue to go well, thank you for praying!

Thank you also for praying for the first Evangelistic English classes. We were able to begin them! They are taking place in the recreation room at the El Campo soccer field. We thank God because we know He is the one who is opening the doors there. We have had about four classes since then and there are currently about 10 students attending. Please keep this ministry in your prayers, that God would lead and be glorified through it! Here are a few pictures from the last class:

New in the CIRAD rehabilitation center Bible studies: We had been praying about the possibility of having someone come alongside with us to help with praise and worship; and we are so blessed that God has answered this prayer,our friend Uriel and his little brother felt called to help out and are now leading worship for the two studies. It was incredible to see it work out in God's timing, because the first week they began, Brennan had just about lost his voice! God's timing is always perfect.

Speaking of God's timing, He saw fit that last week was the perfect time for Jadon to get his very first tooth! He is loving to gnaw on just about everything with it, and has also recently begun eating real food! What a big boy! His favorite so far are bananas, and least favorite are carrots, but we are hopeful for a change in heart.

The first two weeks of June we are blessed that our family has been asked to take a furlough to our home in Las Vegas. We  always find so much refreshment there with our family and home church. It is our desire to make the most of this time and  to really sit at the Lord's feet. We hope that He would grow us closer to Him and refresh and refocus us as a family on His heart. Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.” We know that this time is such a gift!

We will also be praying specifically that God would bring more teams over the next few months to stay at CTC(as the facility runs on income made when teams stay and minister) and share the love of God with the people here, and also for fresh vision, especially for the community clean up ministry. Will you pray with us?
 Thank you so much for taking time to read our update and for all of your prayers. Please also email us any prayer requests that we can lift up with you.

With lots of Love,
Brennan, Angelina and Jadon

Thursday, April 14, 2011

“Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.And you are witnesses of these things. ” Luke 24:46-48

Hi again!
Hope that you all are doing well and that you've had a wonderful last few weeks!

We have a lot to celebrate and update you on with this last busy month here in Mexico!
The proud teachers and students pose with their diplomas
A few days after our last post, we were so blessed to see the students of Ninos del Rey running up to us with certificates in their hands! Many of them received “diplomas” congratulating them for being first or second in their classes, and we are so proud! We are so grateful for all of the teachers that so faithfully work with these children, helping them not only with their homework, but teaching them about God's love for them. We know that they are making such a difference in the lives of these children, trusting in God's word “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6.

Walking by faith in this promise we have begun a Bible study at the City of Angels orphanage. These past two weeks we've been getting to know the wonderful orphanage family. It's awesome to be coming alongside such a beautiful work of the Lord and to see the directors of the orphanage leading the precious kids in His way. Take a look at some pictures from our times with them:

Thank you so much for your prayers for the Cirad Rehabilitation Center as well! The Bible studies with the youth continue to go well, and the first few studies with the adults have definitely been interesting to say the least! At the first study, during the teaching, one man led his own rendition of “La Cucharacha” for everyone to enjoy. It was definitely awkwardly funny, but the Lord really moved as we got to pray with him and many more of the men afterwards. Please continue to pray for God's Spirit to be guiding through His Word; for salvation and discipleship; and continued guidance for them when they are released from the center. 

We've really been seeing God move in the “community clean up” ministry here. Last week, while a team from CCSV was here, we were able to do some weeding, trash clean up, and a small outreach at the El Campo soccer field(this is the same field where we plan to begin evangelistic English classes soon), and the locals were so blessed by it! A few pictures from the outreach:

Looking ahead, we plan to do a similar outreach there next week, and another one geared towards connecting the people with local churches on April 30th for a big holiday here called “Day of the Kid!” Jadon sure is glad we live in Mexico because we don't have this holiday in the US! Please keep these upcoming outreaches in your prayers- that God's name would be glorified and that many would come to know Him. We look forward to sharing with you how they went in our next blog.

A few more Praise requests because God is so good:
-He has provided many donations for the evangelistic English classes we look forward to starting! This is an answer to prayer! We hope to begin May 7th.
-On March 22, our friends Jorje and Erika had their baby Santi!!

Adorable baby Santiago

 And yesterday, him and Jadon met for the first time, they are sure to be amigos por siempre. Thank you for your prayers, Momma and baby are both healthy. 

Jadon and Santiago meeting each other for the first time!

A paparazzi shot of James and Charmaine at the beach

-Also, this week, our co-missionaries James and Charmaine will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on April 19th!!Woohoo!

-And lastly, we are praising God because Easter is almost here!! Jesus is risen, our Redeemer lives!! We are looking so forward to celebrating His resurrection!
We are actually very spoiled because our family is bringing us to Las Vegas next week to celebrate with them. We hope to get to see some of you while we're there! As always, please email us any prayer requests. We are praying that you are filled with all the joy that we find in serving our risen Savior Jesus this Easter =).

In Christ's Love,
Brennan, Angelina, and Jadon

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."- John 15:4-6

Hi Everybody,

How are you doing? We hope that all is well, and that you remembered the time change yesterday! We didn't =(... thanks for a lot for reminding us. Hehe, just kiddng. We did forget, but of course we're not mad at you =).
Although, it's incredible how one little change can throw off the entire day if we let it! We're so grateful that we serve the the only Person(God) that never changes! Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Even though we might think that the little change messed up our entire day, we know His plans are much better than our own(phew!), and He was and will always be consistent, just, faithful, graceful, merciful, and love us. Thank you Lord! 

Thanks so much for all of your prayers, it's been an awesome month, and we've definitely felt your prayers and seen many answered!

The most amazing after school kids on the planet.
We mentioned in our last blog about the Thursday afternoon Bible study we've been given the opportunity to teach at a local rehabilitation center for the youth; and over the last few weeks we've watched as God is really moving in the hearts of the kids there. And in turn, He is really breaking our hearts as they are beginning to open up to us about their lives and sharing their prayer requests. We know that He has a plan for each soul there and can give them new lives, delivered and restored by His love. And this past weekend, while a team was here ministering to them from Santa Fe, California, many of the young girls made the choice to give their lives to Him! God is so good and His Word is so powerful!

We really feel like God is leading us as a team, opening new doors for ministry. Will you pray with us for God's guidance and will to be done with these opportunities?:

  • The same rehabilitation center that we are currently ministering to also houses 40 men that were former drug addicts, and starting this week on Thursday, after the youth study, the door has been opened to begin a Bible study for them as well(Praise God)!

  • A popular soccer field near CTC has its own multi-purpose room, and the owner has offered it to us free of charge on the weekends. Evangelistic English classes have been put on our hearts, and we think this may be the place to begin them. However, although we speak English, we've never taught it! You can see we need prayer :D.

  • Also, a local orphanage has invited us to come begin a little Bible study with them weekly.We would also love to begin to take teams there as well.

Thank you for praying with us about these things!

Take a look at this prayer request He recently answered:
Some of the after school kids pose for a picture with the new monkey bars!

Brand new monkey bars (woohoo!) hand made by a men's group that visited us last month. The kids love them!

Pastor Jorje and his wife Erika

In other news, we're very excited because our friends Jorje and Erika are getting ready to have their very first baby!! They are expecting a baby boy named Santiago, and we are expecting him and Jadon to be best friends. 
Jorje is a pastor at a local Calvary Chapel here, and they are beginning the stages of opening a coffee shop at their church. We personally tried the cappuccino they want to sell, and it is  a w e s o m e.  Please keep them in prayer for their new baby, and also for their coffee shop as they minister in an area where there are a lot of young people, and they believe the coffee shop may be a new way to reach out and share the love of Jesus with them.

Baby Jadon at 3 1/5 months showing you his tummy time skills
Also new this month, Jadon is becoming such a big boy, he is starting to turn over on his own, and laugh, which we think is the cutest and sweetest thing yet. You have to come visit and  see him! Also, our neighbor Trini taught us how to make a food called sopes, which can only be described as “yuuum". 

Thanks so much for catching up with us, and again, thank you so much for all of your prayer!! Talk to you soon, and please remember to email us any of your prayer requests.

Lots of love,
Brennan, Angelina and baby Jadon 

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” 1 John: 14-15

Jadon on his very first airplane on the way to Mexico
Jadon with our neighbor Diana, in La Gloria.
Hi everyone,

    We have officially made it down south! For the last two weeks, we have been enjoying unpacking and getting back into the swing of things here in Mexico. Thank you all so much for your prayers, it has been so nice to see familiar faces of our sweet family here and to experience the feeling of being home again. Jadon especially had fun meeting all of his new familia here in Mexico. He fits right in! :) 
Jadon meeting some of the children from Ninos del Rey.

Our first week back, the CTC after school program for kids instated a monthly Olympics, and we got to experience the very first one. It was so much fun! There were four teams of mixed big kids with little kids, running all kinds of races and obstacle courses. Watching the kids laugh and play(and roll and fall!), we were reminded of what a blessing it is that the Lord has given the CTC kids a beautiful soccer field to play on! God is so good.

He has blessed so bountifully the ministries here at CTC. The children’s program(Ninos del Rey) now has so many children in attendance, we’ve  actually reached our limit! The wonderful staff of teachers are working hard to help every single child with his or her homework because we’re almost 40 kid’s strong! The weekly ladies Bible has grown as well! It is up to 14 ladies (now including Angelina :) ) regularly in attendance, fellowshipping and seeking God’s face together. We praise God that CTC has also recently been able to reach out to a local rehabilitation center with weekly Bible studies to the youth there as well.
Calvary Chapel Antiochia
 We’re very excited and would be so grateful for your prayer about ministry opportunities coming up for us here at CTC.  We hope to share with you in our next blog more details about the Rehabilitation Center Bible study as well as the new church building project for CC Antiochia in Granjas.
We are currently seeking the Lord for His will for more ways to share His love with the community here in La Gloria. Will you pray with us? Some things that He has put on our hearts include weekly community park cleaning and evangelism, evangelistic English classes, outreach to local pastors, coming alongside and assisting more local church plants, and orphanage and hospital outreach. Some other ministry prayer requests include: transportation for our Ninos del Rey children(currently we pick them up from school in the back of the CTC blue truck), thick gloves for community park cleanings(we find lots of glass!), and other play equipment for the after school program.
Thank you so much for praying with us, it is such a gift to be able to pray and know that our Heavenly Father is listening! Luke 11: 9-13 says, “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”  

We plan to update you all every month with what we’ll be praying about and with what the Lord is doing.  Please write and let us know if there is anything we can be praying specifically for you! We love you all and look forward to writing again soon.
God bless you,
Brennan, Angelina and Jadon